Oscars 2017: 15 Movies Most Likely To Get Nominated For Best Picture

6. Loving

Oscars 2017 Best Picture Candidates
Focus Features

What Is It? The thematically-named couple are arrested in 1950s Virginia for breaking the state's interracial marriage law, leading to a high-profile court case and the overturning of the law. Likewise not a comedy. The central duo is played by Joel Edgerton and Ruth Negga, marking their further ascension into acting royalty.

Why Could It Be A Contender? Jeff Nichols hasn't been lacking in critical praise of his work, even if none have made much of a dint outside of festivals, although this one could be the film to do it. Acting attention seems the most likely, but there's plenty in here to see it rise up to Best Picture; at the risk of starting to sound like a broken record, it's another movie that ties into the bigger #OscarSoWhite controversy, which while political can certainly help.

What Might Stop It? Nichols' sensibilities aren't the most appealing to the mainstream, and while the Oscars is presented as being about rewarding high art (and, to be fair, sometimes does), things tend to skew a little more crowd-pleasing, meaning it's coming in as an outsider for sure. Don't be surprised if this is this year's The Master, staying locked into acting categories.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.