Oscars 2021: Who Should Win Every Award (And Who Actually Will)

3. Best Actor

Oscars 2021 Anthony Hopkins Chadwick Boseman


Riz Ahmed (Sound of Metal)

Chadwick Boseman (Ma Rainey's Black Bottom)

Anthony Hopkins (The Father)

Gary Oldman (Mank)

Steven Yeun (Minari)

Who Should Win: Anthony Hopkins

Anthony Hopkins' performance in The Father is quite arguably the finest work of his entire illustrious career, and in any other year, he would likely be walking away with the gong without too much debate.

For Hopkins his surprise BAFTA win will effectively be the consolation prize, though at 83 years of age and already having an Oscar under his belt, one suspects he'll enjoy the nomination just fine.

Who Will Win: Chadwick Boseman

The painful truth that this will be the only Oscar Chadwick Boseman ever wins is unmistakable, and beyond all the debates about whether or not he would've won were he still with us, his work here is a strong capper to a career that felt like it was just getting started.

Boseman has won posthumous awards almost across the board so far - BAFTA excepted - so you'd be foolish to bet against him.

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Oscars 2021
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.