Oscars: 8 Best Picture-Winning Films Whose Directors Didn't Win

2. 1972: The Godfather vs. Bob Fosse & Caberet

the godfather 1 Man, oh man. I'm not gonna rip on Bob Fosse. The man was a legendary actor, director and choreographer. He won a whopping 8 Tony Awards, and All That Jazz won the Palme d'Or. He was a true revolutionary in his field. But c'mon. The Godfather? Bob Fosse beat out Coppola for Best Directing the year he made The Godfather. Comparing The Godfather to a movie with Liza Minnelli trying to be sultry is like comparing Abbey Road to The Doors' Morrison Hotel. I see what you're going for Jim Morrison, but you're not the frigging Beatles.
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Nick Fulton hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.