Oscars: Every Best Picture Winner Ever Ranked From Worst To Best

5. All About Eve (1950)

All About Eve

In a year where both All About Eve and Sunset Boulevard were nominated for Best Picture, there really wasn't much point even nominating anything else, and both movies are so brilliant it's tough to be mad about either losing out.

Joseph L. Mankiewicz's drama revolving around the feud between Bette Davis' ageing Broadway star and Anne Baxter's wily ingenue is one of the most giddily entertaining movies ever made about professional obsession and the entertainment industry.

Its meditations on the state of the feminine identity in a highly competitive, toxic, even misogynist culture remain as depressingly relevant today as they were back then. The performances are pretty much note-perfect and the film's 14 Oscar nominations - including two Best Actress and two Best Supporting Actress nods - are incredibly well-deserved.

If you're the type that worries about older movies being inaccessible to your modern eyes - in which case you're probably not reading this article - All About Eve is a fantastic primer, a nearly 70-year-old movie that still feels fresh today.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.