Paul Bettany: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

3. Priest - Priest (2011)

Earlier this decade, Bettany made two supernatural action films directed by Scott Stewart which both met with overwhelmingly negative reviews. Those films were Legion, in which he plays the Archangel Michael, and Priest, in which he plays a warror who wards off vampires. It's very hard to choose between them, but on balance Priest is the duller of the two offerings, and therefore most worthy of a place on this list. Priest is an apocalyptic action story based on the Korean comic of the same name. It imagines a world in which the Earth has been devastated by a centuries-long war between humans and vampires, resulting in humanity being reorganised into a theocracy ruled over by the Church. The eponymous protagonist was a warrior who was forced to retire at the conclusion of the war, but soon he is called to break his vows after learning that his brother and his wife have been mortally wounded in a vampire attack. Priest is a dull and derivative work, taking all the worst elements of the Blade and Underworld series and then throwing in every sci-fi, horror and action cliché under the sun. Bettany is trying his hardest given the material, but his performance is largely one-note and he struggles to make the dialogue sound like anything more than recycled stock phrases. It's disappointing when an actor this charismatic can come across as this unengaging.

Freelance copywriter, film buff, community radio presenter. Former host of The Movie Hour podcast ( and click 'Interviews'), currently presenting on Phonic FM in Exeter ( Other loves include theatre, music and test cricket.