Pieces Of A Woman Review: 7 Ups & 3 Downs

4. Ellen Burstyn's Stunning Supporting Turn

Pieces of a Woman Ellen Burstyn

Ellen Burstyn is one of Hollywood's most dependable actresses - no matter the material, she always gives 110%, and it's a pleasure to report that her performance as Martha's combative mother Elizabeth is her finest since her unforgettable turn in 2000's Requiem for a Dream.

As much as Burstyn should've rightly netted her second Oscar for that performance, she's certain to receive another nomination here and, at 88 years of age, become the oldest acting nominee in Oscar history.

If she can fend off Amanda Seyfried's splendid work in Mank, she could even win the award outright.

Aside from one jaw-dropping mid-film monologue, this isn't a hugely showy turn from Burstyn, yet one that's heartbreakingly layered in grief, anger, and sadness, ensuring that even as we may not like Elizabeth's attitude to her daughter's circumstances, we can probably understand it.

Outside of awards, though, it's simply great to see an actress of Burstyn's caliber still delivering incredible performances when she could easily be retired or simply taking paycheck roles. Bravo.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.