Someone somewhere should come up with an award for the year's best movie posters. There's been some good ones this year already but there's one one-sheet in particular that beats them all - the teaser for John Gulager's sequel Piranha 3DD. Originally scheduled for straight-to-DVD Hell, Piranha 3DD will now be receiving a nationwide release throughout the UK and they haven't held back promoting it with a particularly large chested lady in a shredded white bikini. The desired audience for Piranha 3DD is pretty obvious, but in case you don't fit into the intended demographic and you're curious it centres on the opening of a new water park - frequented by stereotypical nubile teens with alluring body shapes - that sees a decline in business when a prehistoric shoal of man eating Piranha's spoil the fun. Expect sex, blood, nudity and a cameo by David Hasselhoff. If you can drag yourself away from the wicked poster then get yourself down to your local cinemas. Piranha 3DD opens in 3D on 11 May, 2012. Prepare for the greatest 3D experience of your life.

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