Planet Terror Script Review & Grindhouse casting

44scriptreviewpic.jpgThe good folks over at Latino Review have a script review for the very exciting Grindhouse feature Planet Terror. That's the Robert Rodriguez portion. Now I've always liked Robert Rodriguez as a guy, and I think he is a hell of a visual director and I admire his multi-tasking skills (he even has a cooking feature on most of his dvds telling us how to make cook some kickass food!) but I've always wanted him to SLOW THE FUCK DOWN! He rushes through his movies at a lightening pace, learn from your buddy Tarantino and try to keep your film going at a steady pace. I also think he isn't the greatest writer around, and as Latino Review points out he is way better dealing with someone's elses script, ala Sin City. So what's the Rodriguez written Planet Terror script turned out like? Well let's find out... "Wow! It is that fucking good. Hence, why I gave it an A+ because it is a complete miracle. There is a structure, there is a character arc, there is some setup/payoff action going on with the dialogue. The writing is super clean and lean and it is a good story that's well told". "Think of Planet Terror as the Bastard child of 28 Days Later and From Dusk Till Dawn. If you love both them flicks like I do, then Planet Terror is certainly for you". "PLANET TERROR IS SUCH A HOT SCRIPT THAT KICKS ASS ON SO MANY LEVELS THAT IT WILL OWN YOU COME APRIL"! You can read the whole review of the script by clicking here, but there isn't really much else of interest unless you want a play-by-play commentary of the first act. I must say, everything we have seen of Rodriguez's flick so far just looks "stupid" and uninteresting but we shall soon see. One more Grindhouse tidbit. Bill Moseley (Texas Chain Saw Massacre 2, The Devil's Rejects) is re-teaming with Rob Zombie (yes him again) to star opposite Nicholas Cage in the faux trailer Werewolf Women of the S.S. Thanks to Bloody Disgusting for the heads up on that one! source - bloody disgusting, latino review

Matt Holmes is the co-founder of What Culture, formerly known as Obsessed With Film. He has been blogging about pop culture and entertainment since 2006 and has written over 10,000 articles.