Power Rangers: 11 Improvements For The Sequel
9. A Properly Balanced Tone
If the first instalment is any indication, this franchise might have a tone problem going forward. It goes from being fairly serious to making weird masturbation jokes in the blink of an eye, and the bonkers third reel clashes somewhat with the oddly involving character work of the previous two.
The Rangers' next outing needs to find a less jarring compromise between the two moods, because though it basically worked the first time, audiences may not be quite so kind to the tonal whiplash in round two.
How Likely Is It?: The fact the Rangers have been introduced means the sequel doesn't need to immerse itself so much in their personal issues, which should result in an altogether more coherent and light film.
It absolutely should continue to develop the Rangers as people, but with the heavy-lifting done, the character work will probably sit alongside the suits and Zords silliness a little easier. 7/10