Predicting How 2017’s Biggest Movies Will End

14. David Is The True Engineer - Alien: Covenant

Logan Hugh Jackman
20th Century Fox

It's been suggested that Alien: Covenant will hew much closer to the core Alien mythos (hence the title) than 2012's divisive Prometheus, and it seems likely that a huge core of the movie will relate to Michael Fassbender's android David.

Fassbender reportedly plays two android characters in the movie (the other being named Walter), and it would surprise roughly nobody if he was responsible for killing off most of the Covenant's crew members ahead of a closing reveal that he is, in fact, the true "Engineer" of the Xenomorphs.

Prometheus saw him experimenting with the weaponised black substance, and Covenant could easily see him step up his game, eventually figuring out how to create the iconic Xenomorphs.

It would end the film on a more logical and poetic note than Prometheus, while giving fans what they want and still leaving the door open for more movies.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.