Predicting How 2021's Biggest Movies Will End

8. Egon Returns As A Ghost - Ghostbusters: Afterlife

Spider-Man Far from Home Willem Dafoe
Columbia Pictures

Ghostbusters fans are eager to see how the upcoming fourth film, Ghostbusters: Afterlife, will hopefully paper over the awkwardness of 2016's botched reboot and deliver a worthy sequel to the first two movies.

The fact that all of the surviving principal cast members are onboard to reprise their roles is encouraging, though of course, the late Harold Ramis will sadly be unable to return as Egon Spengler.

Perhaps somewhat tellingly, though, Dan Aykroyd talked about Ramis' absence and how Afterlife will address it:

"To have that formation without that man standing right there on the line with us was a pretty serious adjustment. He will be very well represented in the new film, I can tell you that. He's very honorably represented."

Some have interpreted this to mean that we may end up with a CGI Harold Ramis briefly appearing as a ghost. Given that the film is centered on Egon's daughter and grandchildren, and its title is literally Afterlife, it certainly makes a lot of sense.

Though there are obvious concerns of taste where digital recreations of dead actors are concerned, if it's done with care and to further the emotional scope of the story, it could absolutely work.

A brief gesture from a spectral Egon to his family and perhaps to his former teammates could end the film on a satisfyingly emotional note.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.