Predicting Marvel's Next 12 Movies Up To 2021

3. Doctor Strange 2 (2020)

Possible Plot: If it's true that Dormammu is the main villain in the Doctor Strange movie and Karl Mordo and the Mindless Ones are henchmen, perhaps they take centre stage here? Dream Casting: Christopher Biggins as Mordo and Warwick Davis in mo-cap for the Mindless Ones? By this point it's really clutching at straws. One can only predict so far into the future... Why? Avengers 3 will leave a clean slate for the already-popular Black Panther and Ms Marvel to make their mark, so now their new Tony Stark, Stephen Strange, will show just what he's made of by knocking it out of the park. Hulk didn't work so well in 2019, so it's Strange who's going to guide the audiences through Phase 4. Predicted Reaction: Very healthy numbers - everyone's pleased to see Strange back and they're showing it by outperforming the first film. Doctor Strange will be sticking around for a while.

Aspiring Director, Screenwriter and Actor. Film is my passion, but I indulge in TV, Theatre and Literature as well! Any comments or suggestions, please tweet me @IAmOscarHarding