Predicting Marvel's Next 12 Movies Up To 2021

1. X-Men/ Fantastic Four/ Spiderman Crossover (2021)

Possible Plot: Something involving alternate universes or something. Galactus as the main villain? It's hard to imagine a more epic villain for this crowded movie. Dream Casting: Hopefully everyone we've seen before, focusing on Spidey, Wolverine, Deadpool, The Fantastic Four, Doctor Strange, Black Panther, Ms Marvel and Hulk. Why? And this is one of the reasons we only get introduced to one major new character after Avengers 3. There's been rumours before, and even the attempt to include the Oscorp tower in The Avengers' New York skyline. By now, X-Men would have lost Hugh Jackman and done 10 or 11 films; Spiderman would have finished its tetralogy and Venom spinoff; the Fantastic Four reboot would be nearing its third film. And by now it'll be all or nothing. Marvel hasn't introduced any new characters for the same reason they didn't for Avengers 3- it's going to be crowded enough as it is. Predicted Reaction: It won't be a billion-dollar success, as everyone will have fatigue for superhero movies, but with fans it will go down a storm, even if critics don't like it. It will at least hit the $900 million mark, but by this point everyone will be tired of both superhero movies and franchise cross-over. There's every chance that this will signal the end of superhero movies... for a while. What do you think of this potential MCU slate? Share your thoughts below in the comments thread.

Aspiring Director, Screenwriter and Actor. Film is my passion, but I indulge in TV, Theatre and Literature as well! Any comments or suggestions, please tweet me @IAmOscarHarding