Predicting The Next 28 Movies Marvel Will Make Up To 2028

15. Nick Fury (2021)

With Latveria's threat growing, and the US government unwilling to intervene, Nick Fury recruits a secret group of Superheroes - Black Widow, Hawkeye, Luke Cage, Falcon, and Bucky - to take down Red Skull's remaining government to protect America. The plan backfires, as Latveria's defeat is short-lived and they launch a mass-scale reciprocal attack on New York and Washington, leaving thousands dead, and infuriating the US government who draw up the superhero registration act in retaliation to Fury's Secret War. Maria Hill is instructed that the responsibility will fall to her to enforce the new Law. The Cameo: Wolverine - given the chance to join Fury's secret team, but unable to commit, hinting at a future involvement, as Fox realise they're unlikely to get another reboot out of the clawed berserker and loan the rights back to Marvel.

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