Predicting The 20 Highest Grossing Movies Of 2017

4. Justice League

2017 Franchises
Warner Bros.

Prediction: $1 billion

The DCEU continues with the first real ensemble movie, adding The Flash and Cyborg to the mix, reviving Superman (probably) and pitting them all against a new rising foe and probably also Deathstroke for some reason.

Why It's Golden

Well, for a start, it needs to be. For Warner Bros sake. For Zack Snyder's sake. And for the entire DCEU's sake.

The DCEU has already made good money, and this is basically their version of the Avengers, so you can bank on an ensemble take at the box office. Hopefully.

Will It Be Any Good?

The jury is firmly out.

Zack Snyder may seem to be addressing some of the issues with Batman v Superman, and he has new bosses to answer to who might publicly state they've enjoyed the latest two movies, but who undoubtedly want to lighten things up. The bits of film shown so far seem to suggest The Flash will add levity, and that Aquaman will add cool, so that's no bad thing.

There is definitely a great film in there to be made: it just needs to be done with balance, the right amount of restraint and intelligence.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.