Predicting The First 10 Unmissable Movies Of 2015

1. In The Heart Of The Sea

Release date: March 12th What's it about? Adapted from the book of the same name by Nathaniel Philbrick, In The Heart Of The Sea is based on the true story of the whaleship Essex, sunk in the ocean after encountering a particularly aggressive bull sperm whale. Shipwrecked and stranded on the open waves for 90 days the surviving crew set a course for South America, but before long find themselves resorting to cannibalism to survive.Why it could be essential viewing: If the trailer is anything to go by this could be the most visually captivating, authentic portrait of life on the high seas since Peter Weir's Master And Commander: The Far Side Of The World, with some shots taking on the appearance of a Turner painting brought vividly to life. Ron Howard is nothing if not a thoroughly accomplished director, and given that the incident influenced the great American literary classic, Herman Melville's Moby Dick, an exploration of the grand themes of the human condition could well be on the cards. What other films heading our way in 2015 do you think will be essential viewing? Why not let us know in the comments below?
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