Predicting The First 10 Unmissable Movies Of 2015

10. Inherent Vice

Release date: January 9th What's it about? Adapted from the novel of the same name by the legendary writer Thomas Pynchon, Inherent Vice sees private eye Doc Sportello (Joaquin Phoenix) attempting to unravel a plot to kidnap a billionaire land developer tycoon and throw him into a lunatic asylum. With a sprawling plot and large cast of ensemble characters this is as much a noirish thriller as it is a reflection of American culture during the collapse of the American Dream. Why it could be essential viewing: Paul Thomas Anderson and Thomas Pynchon sounds like a dream come true for many fans of great literature and cinema - no filmmaker until now has been brave enough to tackle Pynchon but if anyone has what it takes it's undoubtedly Anderson. Screened at festivals last year plenty of reviews are already in, and while the movie has polarised many on account of its seemingly rambling and incoherent nature (many compare it to The Big Sleep in this regard), there's every chance that this is more a reflection on the complexity of the movie in which repeated viewings will tease out the many connections than it is shoddy filmmaking. Cinephiles are most likely going to be in for a real treat with Inherent Vice.
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