Quentin Tarantino - Ranking His Films From Worst To Best

9. Death Proof

The point where Quentin Tarantino€™s fanboy, meta machinations went too far is the point where he finally made a bad film: Death Proof, a chaotic car-crash (literally) of a film that amounts to nothing more than a series of vignettes that scream out a boring, repetitive mantra: €œI€™m Quentin Tarantino, and I like B-Movies and Grindhouse€.

Tarantino criticism is a curious thing, and the director is frequently accused of not being able to make a €œgrown-up€ film, of not being able to curtail his cinephile€™s enthusiasm and bring in a serious picture with a run-time of under two hours. But to take that away from Tarantino is to lose his indelible mark on cinema; there are hundreds of serious (not that Tarantino isn€™t serious, but you know what I mean) filmmakers, but very few like QT, and his flourish should be cherished.

There is a point, however, when enough is enough, and Death Proof proved that. In lieu of an actual film Tarantino presents a series of scratchy, inconsequential reels, nothing more than inferior versions of both his others films and those schlock-horrors and B-pictures that he admires and references so lovingly. Worth watching only for the expertly staged head-on car collision, Death Proof bears few marks of Tarantino€™s unquestionable brilliance.


No-one I think is in my tree, I mean it must be high or low?