I don't know how the guys over at
Latino Review do it, but they have yet again managed to get their hands on a script for a big upcoming movie. This time it's
Rambo IV: Pearl of the Cobra, and this latest draft has been re-written by
Stallone himself and is barely a month old so I would expect this to be quite accurate for what we will end up with on screen. I won't bore you with basic plot details as we already know what the movie is about from various posts I've made in the
past. All we wanna know is if it's any good?
"Action fans of Rambo will be happy to know that the 2nd half is pure action and yes it is an extremely violent and gory. Not Apocalypto gory but pretty damn close"."A really good script and it is good to see Stallone have his resurgence again". Latino Review gave it a postivie B+ You can read the review for yourself by
clicking here but as always you have been warned of SPOILERS. The return of Rambo is set for early 2008. source -
latino review