Ranking 10 Best Cinematographers Working Today

3. Robert Richardson

1917 George McKay
Warner Bros.

Robert Richardson's filming techniques are eye-catching and give the projects he works on a bold and spirited visual language. A favourite of the likes of Quentin Tarantino, Oliver Stone, and Martin Scorsese, Richardson's cinematic sensibilities complement their more sleek and dynamic means of storytelling.

As a result, he does not sacrifice genre conventions for the sake of filmmaking techniques but instead blends the two to create stirring imagery. This is accomplished through inventive shooting angles, eye-catching lighting that creates a halo effect on actors, and dynamic camera movements.

This creates a heightened reality in the films he works on, giving the narratives a unique visual flair that expertly conveys their kinetic intensity (Stone), flashy style (Scorsese), or quirky suspense (Tarantino).

His supercharged style has not gone unnoticed throughout his storied career, as he has received three Academy Awards for his work on JFK, The Aviator, and Hugo and has received dozens of more nominations across various awards circuits.

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