Ranking The 10 Main Villains Of The Marvel Cinematic Universe

8. Justin Hammer (Iron Man 2)

Marvel StudiosMarvel StudiosIron Man 2's other villain takes the next spot on the list, and it is Sam Rockwell's comedic and quirky performance that elevates an otherwise boring villain to the #8 spot. Hammer, pretty much a less skilled version of Tony Stark, wishes to pass his competitor as the leading man of the tech industry but decides to use illegal methods to do so. Hammer collaborates with Whiplash to humiliate and destroy Tony Stark, plotting to disrupt the Stark Expo by sabotaging drones set to be on display. Hammer has Whiplash reprogram the drones to destroy Iron Man, and the plan nearly works as Iron Man only barely escapes the drone attack in the climax of the movie. While Hammer doesn't actually have any physical strength and never fights with Iron Man himself, it's his manipulation of Whiplash and the mirror-Tony aspect of his personality that makes him memorable. Although equipping War Machine's armor shows his status as a tech genius, the armor's missiles go on to fail, marking Hammer as a bit of a failure when it comes to villainous ability. In absolute honesty, the only reason Hammer is not even lower on this list is Rockwell's performance, which is one of the best things about one of the worst MCU films.

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