Ranking All The Alien & Predator Movies, From Worst To Best

3. Predator (1987)

Alien Vs Predator

Taking the simple premise of Soldiers vs Alien and infusing it with a testosterone-fuelled ensemble, nuanced direction and landmark effects. The accumulation of these elements resulted in a low-grade genre movie elevated into a bonafide 80s classic.

The film begins typically with a bunch of buff dudes taking down baddies in a trail of bullets and explosions; it’s all brash bravado and one-liners. Yet, as the film continues, the entire premise is flipped on its head.

Arnold Schwarzenegger as the lead is in impressive form, a cocky hero who is whittled down to a vulnerable shell. The finale as he goes head-to-head with the Predator is a near 15 minutes of dialogue-free visual storytelling with the muscle-bound actor showing an impressive range.

Of course, this would have all been moot if it wasn’t for the monster itself. A stalking presence until its shocking final reveal, the design is easily Stan Winston’s crowning achievement; a creature frightening but infinitely badass and captivating.

From the opening moments as Alan Silvestri's score booms across the audio, Predator begins as it wants to continue; loud, big and beautifully orchestrated. It has stood the test of time as a clever subversion of the genre, yet also a landmark example.

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is a freelance writer that loves ingesting TV shows, Video Games, Comics, and all walks of Movies, from schmaltzy Oscar bait to Kung-Fu cult cinema...actually, more the latter really.