Ranking Every Animated Batman Film From Worst To Best

11. Son Of Batman

Batman The Killing Joke.jpg
Warner Bros.

This is another above-average film that, for the most part, owns and runs with its more adult-oriented tone. However, it also has a tendency to try and cater to a younger audience at times, which unfortunately feels more forced than anything. This is mostly due to a lack of balance between the two styles. Still, at least it's not enough to take away from the exceptional narrative.

The dynamic between Bruce Wayne and his troublesome son, Damian, is definitely the best part of the movie, simply due to how drastically different their respective moral codes are. Plus, the film offers some solid action sequences which help play this dynamic up, in addition to being rather good in their own right.

The only real problem with the plot itself comes as a result of how underplayed both Ra's and Talia al Ghul were, with neither character being given a whole lot to do. However, aside from that and the occasional tone inconsistencies, it's still a decent movie that tells a good story and is a welcome addition to the DC animated lineup. It's not great, but it's solid and the good easily outweighs the bad.

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A film-loving wrestling fan from west Texas who will live and die by the statement that Return of the Jedi is the best Star Wars movie and unironically cherishes the brief moment and time when Deuce & Domino were WWE Tag Team Champions. Hates honey, but loves honey mustard.