Ranking: Every Batman Movie Final Battle From Worst To Best
4. Batman (1989)

Jack Nicholson's sheer maniacal presence as The Joker makes this one an easy sell, as long as you're prepared to accept some of Tim Burton's more off-the-wall flourishes (such as the Clown Prince of Crime dispersing his Smilex gas by way of balloons).
There's a strong operatic feel to the final showdown, as The Joker takes Vicki Vale (Kim Basinger) hostage and hauls her to the top of a Gothic cathedral, dancing with her when the Caped Crusader (Michael Keaton) finally arrives.
The fight itself may not last long, but it's surprisingly brutal, with The Joker's blood-soaked chattering teeth falling out, and there's plenty of psychological intensity as Batman confronts him about killing his parents.
It loses a few points because of the peculiar decision to have Batman flat-out murder The Joker (by tethering his leg to a stone gargoyle before he can escape by chopper), but the beautiful visuals, strong atmosphere and excellent performances make it extremely entertaining. Plus, it's aged surprisingly well.