Ranking Every DC Movie Villain From Worst To Best

13. Ares - David Thewlis (Wonder Woman)

DC Villains Updated
Warner Bros.

It's an absolute travesty that the Ares twist was ruined before the film came out thanks to merchandise lines (that old chestnut), but Ares still worked as an escalated threat at the end of Wonder Woman.

He's not the most developed of characters - mostly because he's shrouded in disguise and mystery for most of his screen-time - but David Thewlis does well to make him compelling enough for the twist to land with impact all the same. And even without his real development, watching the character monologuing at the end is a lot of fun.

The simple mark of a good villain is how their defeat makes you feel, and Ares definitely deserved what he got. It's just a shame that he seems to have been killed off rather easily (particularly for a God), as it robs Wonder Woman's sequels of her most compelling villain. Maybe we'll just have to see him given the Voldemort treatment?

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