Ranking Every De-aging Movie Effect Ever

4. Kurt Russell (Guardians Of The Galaxy: Vol. 2)

Ant Man And The Wasp Michelle Pfeiffer
Marvel Studios

After using the de-aging tool to great success in both Ant-Man and Civil War, Marvel opted to open their Guardians of the Galaxy sequel with their most stunning use of the technology yet.

Kurt Russell plays the role of Ego in the film, the father of Peter Quill, and the one who is ultimately revealed to be the villain in the film. In the opening, the film flashes back to 1980 to give viewers a glimpse into how Ego initially wooed Peter's mother.

The opening shot teases Russell's younger appearance, as the camera carefully teeters around the edges of the car he's driving, partially obscuring his face. Once he's fully revealed, he has full-on circa-1980s Kurt Russell hair, is wearing aviators, and is smiling broadly. The effect is incredible.

Part of this is certainly due to the aviators covering his eyes, but Russell looks exactly like he did then. And considering what difficulties this tech has had before with replicating believable lip movement or smiles, it's stunning how natural and realistic Russell's huge, teeth-baring smile is.

This is all thanks to Gunn's carefully planned camera-movement, Russell's immediately magnetic performance, and the glowing and comforting lighting choices that serve to accentuate the effect rather than hamper it.


A film enthusiast and writer, who'll explain to you why Jingle All The Way is a classic any day of the week.