Ranking Every De-aging Movie Effect Ever

7. Arnold Schwarzenegger (Terminator: Genisys)

Ant Man And The Wasp Michelle Pfeiffer

Let's get this out of the way up top: Genisys is a terrible film, even when it's utilizing cutting-edge effects. The sequence in which Arnold is de-aged is a terribly staged fight scene that is nothing but the worst kind of fan service, but the effects are pretty solid.

Here, the film returns to the opening of Cameron's original Terminator film, with a circa-1984 Arnold Schwarzenegger arriving from the future. Just like the original film, he proceeds to terrorize three exceedingly '80s gangsters for their clothes but then, modern-day Arnold shows up to do battle with him.

When young Arnold first arrives, the effects are pretty wonderful. Through the use of repurposed footage from the original film and some CGI touch-ups, it really does look like original recipe Arnold. Once he starts interacting with the gangsters, things get a bit more uneven. Seeing as this is all-new footage, young Arnold's face is now entirely CGI and the seems are much more obviously evident.

As he talks to the gangsters, he is incredibly dead-behind-the-eyes, which might seem fitting for a T-800 but it isn't in keeping with Arnold's original portrayal in that first film.


A film enthusiast and writer, who'll explain to you why Jingle All The Way is a classic any day of the week.