Ranking Every Final Destination Death From Worst To Best

23. Elevator Decapitation (Nora Carpenter - Final Destination 2)

Final Destination 2 Nora
New Line Cinema

Perhaps the saddest death in the series is that of poor Nora Carpenter (Lynda Boyd), who not long after witnessing the brutal death of her son Tim (James Kirk), gets her own head parted from her body after getting her head trapped in an elevator.

The setup is memorably ridiculous - Nora gets her hair caught in a man's prosthetic hook-hand - and there's a bizarre emphasis on Nora's suffering given that she's one of the franchise's more sympathetic characters.

22. Engine To The Head (Frankie Cheeks - Final Destination 3)

Final Destination 3
New Line Cinema

Sexual harasser Frankie Cheeks (Sam Easton) gets his grisly comeuppance when rear-ended by a truck, its engine being improbably launched forward, causing the motor fan to slice meaty chunks out of his head.

As completely improbable as it is, it's one of the better "cranial destruction" deaths in the series, and brought with it a certain undeniable satisfaction.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.