Ranking Every Final Destination Death From Worst To Best

37. The Last Rollercoaster Ride (Final Destination 3)

Final Destination 3
New Line Cinema

The third film marks the point at which the series began to rely a little too much on CGI-heavy death scenes, and this is made abundantly clear by the opening rollercoaster ride accident.

Though it's a cool concept for an opening premonition, most of the deaths are rendered inert or near-incomprehensible by the atrocious visual effects, which give the impression Vaseline was smeared all over the frame.

Great idea, terrible execution.

36. Wrench To The Face (Dennis Lapman - Final Destination 5)

Final Destination 5 Dennis
New Line Cinema

David Koechner is so adept at playing douchebag characters that audiences were doubtless looking forward to his suitably messed-up demise.

And despite getting hot tar thrown in his face in the opening premonition scene, Dennis' actual death is decidedly more benign and forgettable.

A wrench gets randomly launched at his face, denting his skull and killing him instantly. Shock value deaths and random projectile kills had largely lost their lustre by this point in the series, so this wasn't great.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.