Ranking Every Final Destination Death From Worst To Best

31. Rock Through The Face (Samantha Lane - The Final Destination)

The Final Destination Samantha
New Line Cinema

After numerous red herrings suggested Samantha (Krista Allen) would be killed by one of the many dangerous traps inside the hair salon, she ultimately ends up inadvertently killed by the actions of one of her mischievous sons.

Outside, a lawnmower kicks up a rock thrown by one of her boys, launching it directly at her face and passing clean through her eye socket.

Extra points for her telling her kids moments earlier, "I've got my eye on you," and also the clear decades of therapy they'll need after getting a front-row seat to their mother's gruesome death.

30. Oxygen Tank Incineration (Eugene Dix & Clear Rivers - Final Destination 2)

Final Destination 2 Clear Eugene
New Line Cinema

Though conceptually this double-death was cool enough - a spark ignites leaking oxygen to create a huge explosion - it was undeniably disappointing to see de facto series protagonist Clear (Ali Larter) killed off in such perfunctory fashion.

That she didn't even get her own death, instead being lumped in with Eugene (T.C. Carson), only made it that much more underwhelming.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.