Ranking Every Harry Potter & Wizarding World Film Worst To Best

4. Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets

harry potter wizarding world
Warner Bros.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is, by many clear miles, the most underrated Harry Potter film.

The longest of the series, Secrets is like a film epic for kids. It's a vast, sprawling fantasy mystery filled with terrific antagonists, rich world-building, fantastic action, razor-sharp twists, deft comedy and soaring emotional highs - once it finally concludes, you feel like you've reached the end of an overlong, but incredibly satisfying journey.

It's too long, it could've emphasized the story's horror undertones more and is (yet again) too faithful to the book (in fact, it inherits several of the book's plot holes) but thanks to just how much there is going on, the film is never, ever boring and better still, it's a sequel that far outclasses its predecessor.

Chamber has all the strengths of the first film but adds better structuring, higher stakes and a generally livelier vibe, all while retaining the things its predecessor did so well, so this holds up far better than the first film does.

The film is also notable for having two completely brilliant villainous turns from Kenneth Branagh and Jason Isaacs and its absolutely awesome finale, which is perhaps the single occasion on which the films improved upon the books the most; the film's ending is considerably better than the equivalent scene from the book.

It's far from perfect, but Harry Potter's visually stunning, beautifully acted and uproariously entertaining second cinematic venture still represents family films at their best.

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Harry Potter
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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.