Ranking EVERY James Bond Henchman From Worst To Best

55. Three Blind Mice (Dr No, 1962)

Tee Hee James Bond

Notable for being the first henchmen - indeed, the first characters - seen in any James Bond film, we follow the Three Blind Mice from the opening shot after the title credits.

Seemingly a trio of blind men, shuffling around Kingston with dark glasses and walking sticks, the mice hide in plain sight. Of course, it’s all a charade. In actuality, they’re a crew of hitmen working for the nefarious Doctor No, immediately setting the plot in motion by murdering MI6 Station Chief Strangways and his assistant.

On the face of it, their disguises are brilliant. Think about it. Say you’re assailed by these three, but upon their failure, they promptly flee around the corner. You’d chase them only to find a group of blind men doddering about. “Can’t be them,” you’d think. “They’re blind!”

It’s their attempted assassinations of James Bond, however, where their deficiencies as henchmen are really apparent. To start with, when they show up outside Bond’s hotel, they inexplicably only bring one gun; one gunman aims while the other two are seemingly there to provide moral support. When their poorly-planned attempt to shoot Bond is foiled by a passing car, then, they simply give up and go home.

In their final go at it, they try to ram Bond’s car off the road, only to end up driving off a cliff in their pursuit. Tellingly, 007 is able to defeat the crew without ever really interacting with them, but for a posthumous “I think they were on their way to a funeral” gag at their expense.

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Chest thumping James Bond and Haruki Murakami fanatic living in China. Once had a fever dream about riding a rowboat with Davos Seaworth. He hasn't updated this section since Game of Thrones was cool, and boy does it show.