Ranking EVERY James Bond Henchman From Worst To Best

52. Grunther (On Her Majesty’s Secret Service, 1969)

Tee Hee James Bond
United Artists

Burly grunt and Blofeld’s Head of Security at Piz Gloria; Grunther is fond of Olympic ski jackets and barking at trespassers.

His main duties seem to involve lugging heavy suitcases around and protecting the privacy of Blofeld’s mountain peak base. Though a stocky and imposing man, Grunther never gives much of an impression of being able to threaten Bond in a physical confrontation, least of all George Lazenby’s athletic iteration of 007.

Grunther fares best when he has other goons around to back him up against targets - and while this is fine for an ordinary security lackey, it’s not a desirable quality in a Bond henchman. Such figures need to be able to handle themselves mano a mano. Grunther, meanwhile, struggles enough against the feminine Tracy in the film's climactic battle.

Though she acquits herself remarkably well for an untrained fighter, Tracy’s scrappiness mostly serves to reveal Grunther as a clumsy buffoon rather than a credibly dangerous foe. Scared out of his wits as Tracy wields a broken bottle, he ends up being knocked down a stairwell before being forced to (rather shamefully) play dead.

With the help of a conveniently placed set of wall spikes, then, Tracy is finally able to banish Grunther to the annals of mediocre henchmen.

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Chest thumping James Bond and Haruki Murakami fanatic living in China. Once had a fever dream about riding a rowboat with Davos Seaworth. He hasn't updated this section since Game of Thrones was cool, and boy does it show.