Ranking Every Keanu Reeves Movie Worst To Best

44. The Matrix Revolutions (2003)

The Matrix Revolutions
Warner Bros.

The conclusion to the original Matrix trilogy disappointed just about everybody who watched it, between its increasingly nonsensical storytelling and sheer mess of a CGI-soaked finale, but it's still moderately entertaining schlock in its own right.

It fails to live up to the measured headiness of the first film or the delicious bombast of the second, and more or less ends the trilogy on a disappointing whimper, especially where the fate of Reeves' Neo is concerned.

43. The Night Before (1988)

The Night Before Keanu Reeves
Kings Road Entertainment

This '80s comedy co-stars Keanu and Lori Loughlin as a nerd and gorgeous cheerleader who find themselves unexpectedly drawn together.

Ignore the fact that Reeves is laughably miscast in the dweeb role and this is a pretty interesting early prototype of The Hangover, much of the film unfolding through flashbacks after Reeves' Winston wakes up in an alley with little memory of how he got there.

It's full of lazy tropes and the racial stereotypes will seem awful to 2020 audiences, but Reeves and Loughlin bring just enough charm to the table to render this watchable enough.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.