Ranking Every Keanu Reeves Movie Worst To Best

38. Youngblood (1986)

Youngblood Keanu Reeves

Youngblood is yet another cliched but enjoyable sports drama, starring Rob Lowe as a 17-year-old farm boy with dreams of making it in the NHL. Reeves co-stars as Lowe's goalie teammate Heaver, a part he won due to having been an ice hockey goalie in high school.

You know exactly what you're getting with this one: it offers virtually no surprises, beyond Reeves questionable attempt - if we're being kind - at a French-Canadian accent.

37. Freaked (1993)

Keanu Reeves Freaked
20th Century Fox

This 1993 comedy was co-directed by Reeves' Bill and Ted co-star Alex Winter, and if you had no idea Keanu was in it, don't feel bad.

He makes an uncredited appearance in the film as Ortiz the Dog Boy, his mug concealed under layers of makeup. And really, the practical "freak" effects are the strongest element of this aggressively bizarre travelogue of a local freak show.

A wildly uneven assortment of ridiculous skits, Freaked is nevertheless propelled forward by its go-for-broke energy.

Unsurprisingly test screenings were disastrous, and so its larger theatrical release was ultimately pulled by Fox, yet it remains a firm cult classic today.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.