Ranking Every Keanu Reeves Movie Worst To Best

2. Speed (1994)

Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves in Speed
20th Century Fox

One of the most purely thrilling action films of the '90s, Speed is a gut-wrenching adrenaline rush of a movie, making the absolute most of its ingeniously high-concept premise.

Reeves is well-cast as the single-minded LAPD officer Jack Traven, though the film really belongs to Sandra Bullock as embattled commuter Annie Porter, and a deliciously over-the-top Dennis Hopper as antagonist Howard Payne.

Unlike Sandy, though, Keanu was smart enough not to return for the doomed sequel, Speed 2: Cruise Control.

1. The Matrix (1999)

The Matrix Neo
Warner Bros.

Was anything else ever going to be number one? The Matrix not only helped redefine Reeves' own career after a period of underwhelming genre films, but reinvented what the action genre itself could be.

The Wachowskis' ingeniously inventive filmmaking and philosophical script made The Matrix the perfect mix of heart-stopping blockbuster entertainment and thought-provoking brain food.

Reeves was perfectly cast as the stoic hero Neo, while Carrie-Anne Moss, Laurence Fishburne, and Agent Smith were sublime in their immediately iconic roles.

Practically every major action film today owes at least a couple of cues to The Matrix and how substantially it changed the game. And over two decades on, it's continuing to age like a fine wine.


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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.