Ranking Every Lars Von Trier Film Worst To Best

3. Antichrist (2009)

Kirsten Dunst Melancholia
Nordisk Film Distribution

For many, Antichrist remains von Trier's most controversial and infamous film, and watching it it's not difficult to see why. From the very first scene, this is a film designed to make the audience uncomfortable, but is under all of its sinister intentions a clear exercise in daring - not just for von Trier, but for stars Willem Dafoe and Charlotte Gainsbourg, as well.

Poetic, deeply disturbing, violent and unsettling without pause, Antichrist follows a mother (Gainsbourg) after the loss of her child. In her grief, she ventures with her therapist husband (Dafoe) to a cabin in the woods, where her surroundings and building depression explode in waves of sadomasochism and frightening revelations.

In its horror, Antichrist is poetic but unrelenting, a tour de force that is nonetheless a harsh and emotionally draining character study. It's bound to leave your nerves jangled, but shows off von Trier (and those willing to work with him) as a brave and daring filmmaker more than ready to show off what he can do even with the darkest of stories.


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.