Ranking Every Marvel Movie Hero From Weakest To Strongest

13. Ant-Man

Avengers Endgame Captain Marvel
Marvel Studios

Ant Man is the childish yet wholesome burglar who accidentally stole a Pym Particle powered super-suit. The suit grants him the ability to shrink down to the size of an ant and, more recently, has made him able to grown to extraordinary heights.

He is a skilled combatant, having been trained by the Wasp and, while small or large, has immense strength when striking opponents. His suit also grants him the ability to talk and control ants and is equipped with Pym Particle disks that, when thrown, can shrink or enlarge objects.

His size manipulation combined with his fighting skill have made him a powerful hero. He was able to battle Black Widow, Yellowjacket and was able to play havoc with Iron Man's suit. When turning into Giant Man, he is incredibly strong, capable of punching a Leviathan off kilter and being able to hold back War Machine's flight abilities.

Ant Man's weaknesses come through his less advanced suit. He is not capable of flight or any kind of ranged attack, having to rely upon flying ants to travel distances. His stealth at small sizes give him the edge in a fight but when faced with an enemy who is aware or can locate him, he loses his advantage.


If you have clicked on here, get ready to be bored. I'm just a 20 year old white male who has a (probably) unhealthy obsession with pop culture Film and TV. Handy in a trivia game but not much else. My parents were never murdered, I'm not avenging my dead wife. Just plain, old sat at a computer with a head full of knowledge I mostly don't use I was born and raised in the Black Country near Birmingham, England however am now living in Manchester, England after I moved here two years ago. I currently attend the University of Salford, studying Broadcast Journalism. That's it really. Told you there was nothing special. If you're really that desperate for something to do, follow me on socials. Yes, I do like that ego boost.