Ranking Every Marvel Movie Hero From Weakest To Strongest

7. Iron Man

Avengers Endgame Captain Marvel
Marvel Studios

Tony Stark is the genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist known as Iron Man. He mainly uses his armour which grants him the abilities of flight, repulsor blasts, guided missiles, lasers, superhuman strength and durability. In the final two Avengers films, he used an advanced nano-technology suit that was capable of morphing into weapons and redistributing armour around the user.

During his ten appearances across the years, Iron Man has shown some true strengths, both physically and intellectually. He is a master engineer, scientist and tactician, having cracked time travel, learned thermonuclear astrophysics in one night and developed nano-technology. He has also been one of the few people to challenge Thanos, something that Gamora, Hulk and Nebula could not even do.

Iron Man's weakness comes through his reliability on his suit. Without his suit, he has still proven he can handle himself however stronger opponents have be shown to overpower him.

Despite giving Thanos a challenge and making him bleed, Thanos was ultimately able to overpower him even without the help of the Infinity Stones. However, Iron Man is still one of the most adaptive and smartest heroes in the MCU.


If you have clicked on here, get ready to be bored. I'm just a 20 year old white male who has a (probably) unhealthy obsession with pop culture Film and TV. Handy in a trivia game but not much else. My parents were never murdered, I'm not avenging my dead wife. Just plain, old sat at a computer with a head full of knowledge I mostly don't use I was born and raised in the Black Country near Birmingham, England however am now living in Manchester, England after I moved here two years ago. I currently attend the University of Salford, studying Broadcast Journalism. That's it really. Told you there was nothing special. If you're really that desperate for something to do, follow me on socials. Yes, I do like that ego boost.