Ranking Every Marvel Movie Hero From Weakest To Strongest

24. Sam Wilson

Avengers Endgame Captain Marvel
Marvel Studios

Sam Wilson is the flying, ex-military hero formerly known as Falcon.

He first appeared in Captain America: The Winter Soldier and assisted Steve Rogers during the events of Civil War, Infinity War and Endgame. He sports a winged jet pack, dual pistols as well as an unmanned drone called Redwing. He uses his wings to great effect, utilising them as weapons and shields to combat his enemies.

Falcon is also a highly skilled hand-to-hand combatant, being able to match Brock Rumlow and give the Winter Soldier a challenge. His main strength however comes through his wings and gadgets. Using them, Falcon has been able to defeat multiple enemies at once as well as given him the power to take on stronger opponents such as Spider-Man, War Machine and, more recently, John Walker.

Falcon's weakness however is the fact he relies very heavily on his wings. Once they are disabled (as the Winter Soldier and Thanos have done) he is reduced down to his fighting skills. He is also only human with no superpowers, and therefore struggles against more powerful enemies.


If you have clicked on here, get ready to be bored. I'm just a 20 year old white male who has a (probably) unhealthy obsession with pop culture Film and TV. Handy in a trivia game but not much else. My parents were never murdered, I'm not avenging my dead wife. Just plain, old sat at a computer with a head full of knowledge I mostly don't use I was born and raised in the Black Country near Birmingham, England however am now living in Manchester, England after I moved here two years ago. I currently attend the University of Salford, studying Broadcast Journalism. That's it really. Told you there was nothing special. If you're really that desperate for something to do, follow me on socials. Yes, I do like that ego boost.