Ranking: Every MCU Final Battle From Worst To Best

11. Thor Vs. Loki (Thor)

Captain America Civil War Thor The Dark World Avengers Age Of Ultron
Marvel Studios

Thor gets beamed back to Asgard where he's unceremoniously blown out of a window by Loki, who is on his way to destroy Jotunheim.

Thor gives chase and gets smacked around by Loki before finally fighting back, leading to an entertainingly clumsy battle between the half-brothers.

They end up on the Bifrost Bridge, Loki pulls out some more tricks, and it ends with Thor besting Loki and wrecking the bridge with Mjolnir. Odin saves the pair from falling into the abyss, but Loki "commits suicide" by letting go of his grip after again sensing disapproval from his adoptive father.

Rating: Beautifully staged and totally unique in the MCU up to this point, but nothing exemplary in turns of fighting. 5/10


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.