Ranking: Every MCU Final Battle From Worst To Best

9. The Hulk Vs. Abomination (The Incredible Hulk)

Captain America Civil War Thor The Dark World Avengers Age Of Ultron
Marvel Studios

Emil Blonsky completes his transformation into the Abomination and wrecks the streets of Harlem until the big green guy drops from the sky to give him a real fight.

It's a fun battle of the bulls with both combatants getting a good chance to beat the snot out of each other, even if there's ultimately not much more to it than that. Some hanging-off-a-helicopter shenanigans help change things up, before it returns to more of the smashing and punching that Hulk fans love.

Rating: The visual effects are pretty rough everywhere here (especially Abomination and the helicopter), but the "Hulk smash!" moment is undeniably cool, and it can't be easy to make such a CGI-heavy sequence this enjoyable. 6/10


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.