Ranking Every Nicolas Cage Movie Worst To Best

91. Left Behind (2014)

Left Behind Nicolas Cage
Freestyle Releasing

The worst-reviewed film of Nicolas Cage's entire career, Left Behind is a woeful post-apocalyptic slice of Christian propaganda, with a somnambulant Cage scarcely able to keep his eyes open throughout.

Despite an appealingly trashy survival film premise, this is a low-effort mess in every respect, and only the most enthusiastic Cage completionists should even consider watching it.

90. 211 (2018)

Nicolas Cage 211
Momentum Pictures

While Left Behind is technically a worse film than 211, at least you'll actually remember Left Behind. 211 is the most bargain basement of bargain basement heist thrillers, an hilariously lousy project which sees Cage popping up for only sporadic bouts of its 86-minute runtime.

Cage gets one thrilling freakout moment, but this is still a slog, and the casting of Cage's son Weston in a supporting role isn't as cute as the film clearly thinks it is.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.