Ranking Every Single Middle-Earth Movie From Worst To Best

3. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)

Fellowship of the Ring
New Line Cinema

Being considered the weakest title in one of the greatest film trilogies of all time isn't the worst position, especially seeing as The Two Towers is still one of the best movies ever made. The middling chapter of the Lord of the Rings trilogy is filled with adventure and fun, and features one of the greatest climactic battles that any film has ever seen.

This instalment in the franchise was the first time where the split narratives began to take effect, as we saw a separation between the remaining fellowship, Merry & Pippin and Sam, Frodo and Gollum. While in many cases, this approach might not have worked, here it makes complete sense, as all of the working pieces of the story fit together like a perfect puzzle to produce a compelling feature.

The introduction of new characters is massive in this film, with Treebeard bringing an entirely new fantasy race to screen, and the incredible character of Gollum finally being brought right into the spotlight.

The only reason that this title falls a little short is the fact that it mostly feels like a set-up for the final chapter. Still it is a textbook example of how to make a fantasy movie, and the Helms Deep climax is easily a high-point for the entire franchise.


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