Ranking Every Single Middle-Earth Movie From Worst To Best

1. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)

Fellowship of the Ring
New Line Cinema/Warner Bros. Pictures

Bringing this epic film trilogy to a conclusion had to be one of the toughest missions for any title to achieve, but Return of the King did it with excessive skill and even received eleven Oscars - the joint-most Academy Awards won by a film alongside Titanic and Ben Hur.

The quality of this movie proves why it earned these accolades as the feature perfectly balances all of its moving parts. The emotional core is unbelievably strong - mostly in the relationship between Sam and Frodo - the action sequences are at an all-time high, and the characters all gain satisfying conclusions to their stories.

The spectacle deserves to be mentioned, as, in regards to scale, there has never been a film to best it. Even the huge Avengers: Endgame feels smaller than the enormous battle for Middle-Earth. However, unlike the latter Hobbit movies, it grounds the over-the-top moments with a solid core, filled with beautiful music and fantastic writing.

Return of the King is a shining example of how to end an epic trilogy, and will likely never be bested as the greatest fantasy movie of all time.


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!