Ranking The First 30 Minutes Of EVERY Star Wars Movie From Worst To Best

2. Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back

Star Wars Return of the Jedi Opening

Regarded by many as the greatest Star Wars movie of all time, it's not exactly breaking news to announce that Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back's opening half-hour is just as extraordinary as the rest of the 1980 masterpiece.

Bringing us to a completely new location than any we'd seen in the prior entry, Irvin Kershner's film picks up on Hoth as Luke Skywalker is out scouting in the snow. And before long, this family-friendly space opera is briefly transformed into a stressful monster movie as the son of Anakin finds himself having to use the Force to slice his way out of wampa trouble.

Classic moments such as Ben Solo's first Force spirit appearance, Han stuffing Luke into a tauntaun sleeping bag, and the world's most awkward smooch all soon follow, with the Empire closing in on the Rebel scum thanks to some well-placed probe droids. 

And speaking of the big bad Imperial army, Episode V's ominous opening also brings with it the proper debut of a little tune by the name of the 'Imperial March' as various ships gather around the daunting Executor among the stars.

If all that terrific further world-building and character development didn't cement Empire's first 30-minutes as an all-timer of an opening, then watching Luke and co. bringing down the colossal AT-ATs during the inevitable Battle of Hoth via cables, his trusty lightsaber, and a thermal detonator definitely did the trick. 

What more could you possible want?

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...