Ranking The First 30 Minutes Of EVERY Star Wars Movie From Worst To Best

10. Solo: A Star Wars Story

Star Wars Return of the Jedi Opening

Largely remembered now as the film that had a huge impact on Disney's release strategy in the wake of its underwhelming performance at the box office, time has actually been relatively kind to Solo: A Star Wars Story.

In the years since its release, those who've opted to revisit Ron Howard's spin-off tale focusing on the iconic smuggler have found themselves coming to appreciate everything from Alden Erenreich's charming work as a young Han, to some of the enthralling action set-pieces our hero finds himself in the thick of.

In terms of that first 30-minutes of the Star Wars Story, though, it's a bit of a mixed bag, really.

For every terrific and rather fresh sequence, like seeing Imperial infantryman Han thrust into the middle of a pulsating warzone as the Empire's forces continue conquering the galaxy, there's a somewhat flat one - the grey and forgettable opening speeder chase doesn't exactly yank you into the screen from the get-go.

Seeing the comical way Han and eventual best pal Chewbacca initially cross paths is joyous, of course, and Woody Harrelson's Tobias Beckett and his crew are given strong introductions, too, leaving viewers genuinely feeling a little shook as various members fail to survive a spectacular coaxium heist.

But things like the eye-rolling origin of Han's last name and the film not really doing enough to get you truly invested in Han's relationship with Emilia Clarke's Qi'ra ultimately weigh down this spin-off early on.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...