Ranking Tom Hardy's Accents From Weird To Really Weird

9. Eames - Inception

For his role as the super cool forger Eames in Christopher Nolan's sci-fi head-scratcher Inception, Hardy chooses to employ a rather posh - and unspecific - English accent that happens to be rather delicious on the ear. It's also plainly weird. Eames' voice is kind of close to Hardy's natural speaking voice, but also not at all, and now and again the accent changes completely. Sometimes he drops the upper-class tinge for just a few lines, which - in turn - makes Eames sound like somebody who is doing a fake accent himself, whilst at other times he falls into doing an outright Bane. Seriously: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqOfv4TBy20 Going by some of the stranger line-readings inherent to this role, Eames' accent also gives off the impression of a Scandinavian man who has learnt to speak in a "perfect" English accent, but is accidentally showing his true heritage in very tiny bursts. Or something.
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Tom Hardy
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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.