Recasting Every Major Role In The DCEU

6. Jason Isaacs As Alfred Pennyworth

Jason Isaacs The OA

What Happened?

Jeremy Irons of course played Alfred Pennyworth in Batman v Superman and Justice League, and on paper he seemed like a note-perfect choice to give the DCEU a totally distinct Alfred from Michael Caine's unbeatable portrayal.

But Irons ultimately wasn't really given much to do with the character, and it was tough to escape the feeling that this was just a paycheck for the actor, who openly rubbished Batman v Superman post-release.

There's currently no confirmation that Alfred is gone from the DCEU, but given that the recast Batman will be younger, it wouldn't make much sense at all for Irons' Alfred to stick around.

The Recast

If we're likely going to get a Batman 15-ish years younger than Batfleck, this presents a ripe opportunity for the first ever middle-aged version of Alfred in movie form (not unlike Sean Pertwee's portrayal in Fox's TV show Gotham).

Given that Hollywood is basically dominated by 50-something men this is a huge, wide-open field and would likely be a heavily-contested role.

There's already an active fan push for Hugh Laurie to play Alfred, but honestly, it might be tough to take him with the necessary seriousness in a Matt Reeves movie of all things.

Jason Isaacs, on the other hand, is one of those brilliant supporting players who's been chipping away at his craft for decades, and has a real knack for playing intense yet complex characters. Plus, he's got piercing eyes and looks great rocking a pair of glasses.

Isaacs has already flirted with the world of DC by providing voiceover work for a few of their animated films, so he's clearly a fan of the IP. It's easy to see how Isaacs and Hammer would play off one another well, too.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.