10 Awesome Recent Movies You'll Never Watch Again
These 2020s films are just too good to watch more than once.

Rewatching movies is an invariably fascinating experience. It's always interesting to return to a film and discover new dimensions, new interpretations, new qualities you didn't see the first time around. Quite often, one may put a film on and their entire view of the movie will change. Maybe it was much better than it first appeared... or, on a less positive note, much worse, which is always disappointing.
There are also plenty of movies out there that never lose their charm even on multiple viewings, and serve as delightful comfort food we can return to time and time again. Who among us hasn't seen Back to the Future half a dozen times? Or Star Wars? Or Raiders of the Lost Ark? Or It's a Wonderful Life?
All of that being said, not all movies are made to be revisited.
There are plenty of films out there that, despite their considerable quality, aren't movies that many will want to sit through again and these following 10 2020s movies are all good examples of this. They are all strong pieces of cinema that should absolutely be seen, but a revisit might not make sense to a great many film lovers...
10. Dashcam

Polarizing though it was, Dashcam is actually a good horror film in many departments. Presenting a successful variation of the found footage formula, not only is Dashcam's format (presented as a vlogger's livestream) inventive and timely, but the film also offers up an array of powerful, heart-in-mouth scares. Director Rob Savage makes good on the promise he showed in his excellent debut, the Zoom-filmed horror Host, reaffirms himself as a master of sub genre.
So, why won't people want to see it again? Well, for the same reason that quite a few people couldn't get into the film on their first viewing: the protagonist, Annie (Annie Hardy, playing a fictionalized version of herself) is kind of evil.
A snarky, rude and gratingly obnoxious conspiracy theorist and social media grifter, Annie is one of the most unlikable horror leads in recent memory. This was... a choice, alright, and it almost seemed like Savage was testing the audience's resolve, challenging them to still root for this character's survival, as horrid as she undeniably is. Well, she does indeed make it through the film, which no doubt angered plenty of viewers.
As such, whatever strengths the film undeniably has, putting up with Annie's nonsense for another 80 minutes of your life isn't the most enticing of prospects.